

Regular reviews of IT systems and policy helps to ensure that your operations are not exposing your organisation to undue risk. Inde’s assessment framework is built on a comprehensive set of controls derived from industry contributed data and learnings from real-world security incidents and aims to develop a security roadmap that is easily understood at all levels of your organisation. 

Our approach to Security Assessment engagements is both theoretical and hands-on, identifying security flaws, verifying the effectiveness of implemented security measures, and making certain that all measures will continue to be effective after implementation and tuning. All assessments are supported by Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) qualified engineers. Inde can also perform security and health reviews of specific infrastructures and services such as core networking and network appliances, cloud and server platforms, Active Directory, PKI, Exchange, and SQL. 


Environments fall in to one of two groups in relation to Inde’s security assessments and determine the level of testing that is undertaken. 

For environments where organisations utilise Cloud and SaaS services, have uncomplicated internal networks, and with no workloads remaining on-premises, we carry out a cybersecurity hygiene assessment. The cybersecurity hygiene assessment comprises of a security and best practice review of your Cloud Platform, CIS Critical Security Controls assessment, and optional Detection and Disruption Testing to validate EDR capabilities. 

For more complex environments with on-premises Directory services, document storage, and business critical workloads, we carry out an assume breached assessment. The assume breached assessment includes all components of the cybersecurity hygiene assessment with the addition of Domain and Network review, Network firewall review, and Adversary Emulation. 


Cybersecurity Hygiene 

Assume Breached 

Cloud platform security review 

CIS Critical Security Controls audit 

Detection and Disruption testing 

OSINT and perimeter exposure 

Privileges and Access 


Network architecture 


Group Policy 


Host builds 


Environment hardening 


Attack surface reduction 


Environment reconnaissance 


Adversary profile research & development 


Identification of vulnerabilities and exploitable vectors 



All security assessments carried out by Inde’s security team provide you with actional, evidence based, recommendations and remediation advice in report form. 

  • External vulnerability assessment results 
  • Security road map for initiatives covering a period of 30, 60 and 90+ days 
  • CIS Critical Controls assessment report and recommendations 


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