Chris Burke

With over two decades of dedicated experience in the field of Information Technology, Chris (Burko to all but the most distant of relatives) is a seasoned professional who has made significant contributions across diverse regions, including New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom. His expertise lies in successfully navigating the complexities of large-scale cloud migrations, spearheading integration projects, and seamlessly executing identity provider migrations. His specialised focus on large-scale cloud migrations showcases his ability to harness cutting-edge technologies and methodologies to drive organisational efficiency and competitiveness. His hands-on experience in overseeing integration projects has resulted in streamlined operations and enhanced collaboration within organisations. Outside of work, he finds joy in a variety of activities, including perfecting the art of BBQing, indulging in the occasional bout of amateur guitar playing and ensuring his kids' bikes are always in top-notch condition. A nature lover at heart, Burko digs the refreshing vibes of ocean dips and wraps it all up with a well-deserved beer to unwind.


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